Speaking and Error Correction Plus

Speaking and Error Correction Plus is a structured English speaking course that allows you to get more knowledge and practice with spoken English. The program is divided up into well-designed daily themes and situations. Through challenging conversation and discussion in English, you will be able to use newly acquired English grammar and vocabulary in real conversations.
Besides further improving your language skills, this English class is designed to focus on error correction and encourages students to build confidence when talking to native English speakers.
By the end of your studies in this course you will:
- be able to identify errors you and other speakers make.
- have enhanced your English pronunciation.
- be able to speak English with more confidence using precise language structures.
- be able to take part in English conversations related to various topics.
- have learned to use solid techniques to achieve effective communication in English.
- Program Information
- Monday to Thursday – 2:05pm to 3:25pm
- Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) approved as part of the ESL program.
- Duration
Each English level is 4 weeks in length.
- Start Dates
Students can start every Monday.
- Fees
Please visit our Fees page or request for a quotation.
Contact marketing@vgc.ca to learn about our special price promotions.