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School Policies

VGC’s School Policies

School of English Language

Please see below for Policies related to VGC’s School of English Language. Please note that VGC’s School Policies are subject to change without prior notice.

Contact with any questions regarding these documents.

General Policies

  • VGC Student Statement of Rights

    VGC International College (VGC) is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

    Before you enrol and during your time at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

    1. You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by VGC staff
    2. You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:
      • Amount of tuition and any additional fee(s) for your program
      • Refund policy
      • If your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided.
      • Whether your program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval
    3. You have the right to access VGC’s dispute resolution process and to be treated with respect without facing negative consequences for bringing the issue to our attention.
    4. You have a right to make a claim to PTIB (if you are in an approved program) if:
      • VGC ceased to hold a certificate before you complete an approved program
      • You were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

    Make sure you have read and understood the contract before signing. VGC will provide you with a signed copy. You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed, or withdrawing from your program.

    For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:

  • VGC Code of Conduct

    While on VGC premises or in the course of activities or events hosted by VGC, or in VGC homestay, students:

    • must comply with all VGC policies.  
    • must not cheat or plagiarize.
    • must treat all students, staff and homestay families with respect and must not engage in physically or verbally aggressive, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or otherwise offensive behaviour (this also pertains to online activity and social media).
    • must not steal, misuse, destroy or deface VGC property.
    • must not consume, possess or distribute alcohol, controlled or restricted substances or drugs, including marijuana. The only exception being alcohol if students are of legal drinking age with proper identification and are drinking responsibly in a location that has a proper liquor license.
    • must not be under the influence of alcohol or controlled or restricted substances or drugs, including marijuana.
    • must not contravene any provision of the Criminal Code of Canada or any other federal, provincial, or municipal statute or regulation.
  • Student Dismissal Policy and Procedure


    Students are expected to meet and adhere to the VGC Code of Conduct while completing a program of study at VGC. Students who violate the Code of Conduct will be subject to the procedures and discipline below, which may include immediate dismissal from the institution. If necessary, students should request clarification from a director, and/or, other staff member at VGC.


    1. All concerns relating to student misconduct shall be directed to a VGC director. Concerns may be brought by staff, students or the public.
    2. The director will arrange to meet with the student(s) to discuss the concern(s) within five (5) school days of receiving the complaint. If the alleged conduct is of such a serious nature that an immediate dismissal may be warranted, the director will meet with the student as soon as is reasonably possible.
    3. Following the meeting with the student, the director will conduct whatever further inquiry or investigation is necessary to determine whether the concerns are substantiated.
    4. Any necessary inquiries or investigations shall be completed within five (5) school days of the initial meeting with the student.
    5. The director will meet with the student and do one of the following:
      • Determine that the concern(s) were unsubstantiated;
      • Determine that the concern(s) were substantiated, in whole or in part, and either:
        • Give the student a warning setting out the consequences of further misconduct;
        • Set a probationary period with appropriate conditions; or
        • Dismiss the student from VGC.
    6. The director will prepare a written summary of the determination. A copy will be given to the student, and the original will be placed in the student file.
    7. If the student is issued a warning or placed on probation, the director and the student will both sign the written warning or probationary conditions and the student will be given a copy. The original document will be placed in the student’s file.
    8. If the recommendation is to dismiss the student, the director will meet with the student to dismiss them from studying at the institution and will deliver to the student a letter of dismissal and a calculation of refund due or tuition owing, in accordance with VGC’s Tuition Refund Policy.
    9. If a refund is due to the student, VGC will ensure that a refund is forwarded to the student within 30 days of the dismissal.
    10. If the student owes tuition or other fees to the institution, VGC may undertake collection proceedings for the amount owed.
  • Dispute Resolution Policy

    This policy governs complaints from students respecting VGC International College and any aspect of its operations.

    • Student(s) will not be subject to any form of retaliation as a result of filing a complaint and VGC will manage the situation professionally with respect to the student lodging the complaint.
    • All student complaints should be made in writing to VGC’s Student Services Department ( A student services employee will respond and arrange a meeting with the student to discuss the complaint and try to find a solution.
    • If the student is not satisfied with the outcome after having one or two discussions with the Student Services representative, the director / manager of the relevant department will be contacted to determine the best course of action.
    • If the director in the applicable department is absent or named in the complaint, a different director from the list will be contacted to determine the best course of action.
    • After careful examination of the complaint, providing possible solutions, and speaking with the student (if applicable), the director will offer their determination and final solution.
      • VGC will provide the reasons for the determination and reconsideration (if applicable) to the student within 30 days from the date on which the student made the complaint.
    • The written reasons will advise the student, that if they are dissatisfied with the determination, and feel that they have been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of that program, the student may file a complaint with:
    • Complaints must be filed with PTIB within one year of the date a student completes, is dismissed from, or withdraws from the program.
    • The student making the complaint may be represented by an agent or a lawyer.
  • Minor Student Policy
    • The age of majority in British Columbia is 19 years old.  A person who is 18 and younger is legally a “minor”.
    • The minimum age to register for VGC’s programs is 15.   – The only exception to this policy is for the “VGC Camps”. Minors who are between 9 and 18 may register. Minors between 9 and 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
    • Minors must have VGC’s Terms and Conditions document signed by their legal guardian prior to starting classes at VGC. This document outlines specific policies that minors must follow. It also includes VGC’s activity release and indemnity form and photo release form. Failure to comply with the policies may lead to dismissal.
    • If a minor wants to register for VGC Custodianship, they must also register for VGC Homestay. Students with VGC Custodianship cannot cancel homestay for the entire duration of their studies.
  • Withdrawal Policy
    • If a student currently studying at VGC wishes to finish their program early, they must provide in writing to VGC the date they would like to graduate. The student may receive a refund if VGC’s Tuition Refund Policy applies.
  • Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students Policy and Procedure


    VGC is committed to ensuring that its learning environment promotes the respectful and fair treatment of all students. While on our premises – including VGC accommodation or at VGC activities/events – the following behavior is prohibited:

    • Conduct or comments in person, online or through text that harass, humiliate, intimidate, exclude or isolate individuals for their physical or mental disability, physical appearance, nationality, political beliefs, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
    • Online, individuals are allowed to associate themselves with VGC when posting on social media, but must clearly brand their online posts as personal and purely their own

    Individuals found responsible for these actions and results in disruption or negatively impacts the school environment, will be subject to disciplinary action that could include suspension or dismissal from VGC.


    If a prohibited activity occurs, the following procedures should be followed:


    1. You can report unfair treatment in person or by writing to your marketer and/or the Director of Studies
    2. Once the report has been received, the marketer or Director of Studies will schedule a meeting with you to discuss the issue within five (5) school days of receiving the complaint
    3. After discussing the complaint with you, the Director of Studies will save the complaint in your student file

    Addressing the situation:

    1. After receiving your complaint, the Director of Studies will arrange to meet with the subject of this complaint within five (5) school days
      • If the alleged conduct is of such a serious nature that it may warrant immediate dismissal, the Director of Studies will meet with the subject of the complaint as soon as reasonably possible
    2. Following the meeting, the Director of Studies will conduct whatever enquiry or investigation is necessary to determine whether the concerns are substantiated within five (5) days.
    3. After the investigation, the Director of Studies will meet with the subject of the complaint and do one of the following:
      a. Determine that the complaint(s) were unsubstantiated
      b. Determine that the complaint(s) were substantiated, in whole or in part, and either:
      – a. Give the subject of the complaint a warning, setting out the consequences of further misconduct;
      – b. Set a probationary period with appropriate conditions; or
      – c. Dismiss the student from VGC
    4. The Director of Studies will prepare a written summary of the determination; a copy will be given to you and the subject of the complaint, and the original placed in their student file
    5. If an individual is issued a warning or placed under probation, the Director of Studies and the individual will both sign the written or probationary conditions
      • The concerned individual will be given a copy and the original placed in the student’s file
    6. If the individual(s) has been recommended for dismissal, the Executive Director will review the recommendation and accept or reject it
      • If the recommendation is accepted, the Director of Studies will meet with the individual(s) to deliver a letter of dismissal and a calculation of refund or tuition owed, in accordance with VGC’s Tuition Refund Policy
      • If the recommendation is rejected, the Director of Studies will follow steps outlined in 3.b.a and 3.b.b
    7. If a refund is due, VGC will ensure that the student will be refunded within 30 days of the dismissal
    8. If tuition or other fees are owed by the student, VGC may undertake collection proceedings
  • Sexual Misconduct Policy

    Policy Statement

    Every student at VGC, no matter their age, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity has a right to freedom from sexual violence and misconduct and the right to a safe and secure learning and living environment.  VGC will not tolerate any form of sexual violence or sexual misconduct under any circumstances.

    This applies to physical interaction and interpersonal and electronic communications, such as handwritten notes, e-mails, text messages, videos or photographs. This policy also applies to all of VGC’s buildings, including its campuses and homestays.

    What is Sexual Misconduct?

    Sexual misconduct includes any unwanted act or behaviour – physical, verbal, or psychological carried out through sexual means or by targeting sexuality. It can include sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism, the distribution of sexually explicit photographs or video, and the attempt or threat to commit any of the above acts.

    Awareness, Education, and Prevention

    VGC is committed to preventing sexual violence and misconduct for its students.

    • Students will receive a copy of this policy in the student handbook at orientation which includes the procedure for reporting an incident or making a complaint and whom to report to.
    • VGC will also ensure its students are aware of the organizations and services available to assist those individuals who have suffered from sexual violence and misconduct.

    Please see the link below for some of the services offered in Vancouver:

    Reporting and Response

    1. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect.
    2. Victims, witnesses, or those who have knowledge of incidents of sexual misconduct will be encouraged to report information as soon as possible.
    3. Those in authority are committed to immediate action.
    4. VGC recognizes the importance of confidentiality and privacy of those who have made a report or complaint and to the alleged perpetrator.  We are committed to doing our best to respect the confidentiality of all persons involved and will remain consistent with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and/or the Personal Information Protection Act regarding sharing of information.
    5. VGC is committed to respecting the rights of those who report an incident to make their own decisions about accessing support services, making an official report, or pursuing external processes such as a criminal or civil action.
    6. VGC will not tolerate any retaliation against anyone involved in a report or an investigation.

    Whom to Report and Make a Complaint to

    1. If a student feels they are in immediate danger, or fear for their safety, they should call 9-1-1 emergency to report an incident of sexual violence or misconduct.
    2. If a student feels they have been sexually violated in any way they should report this to the student services department, a director and/or a member of staff.

    Receiving a Report or Complaint of Sexual Misconduct

    The individual receiving the report or complaint will:

    1. Listen without judgement and respect confidentiality.
    2. Respect the right of the individual to choose the services they feel are most appropriate and to decide whether to formally make a report to the institution or police.
    3. Recognize that disclosing can be traumatic.
    4. Respect the choice of the individual about how much they disclose about their experience.

    Response Procedures and Protocols

    The following steps will be taken by VGC when responding to reports or complaints of sexual violence or misconduct:

    1. We will ensure the safety of the victim (immediate safety first, followed by ongoing safety).
    2. Provide emergency numbers for law enforcement, medical assistance, mental health services, qualified counsellors/victim services support.
    3. Make the victim aware of the different reporting options which are listed at the end of this document.
    4. As required and if necessary, VGC will pass on information, reports, and documentation to the police, community-based victim service programs or experts once permission is given by the victim.
    5. VGC can arrange to have a police officer meet with the victim on campus to discuss the possibility of making a criminal report.
    6. A designated VGC official can liaise with and accompany the victim to the local sexual assault centre, police, and/or other justice system partners as appropriate.
    7. If a victim decides to make a criminal report, the designated VGC official will accompany them to the police station or have police attend the school.
    8. Depending on the situation and who is involved, VGC will follow the Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students Procedure that is listed in the student handbook.

    VGC does not have the mandate to conduct criminal investigations.  We do have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for our students, regardless of whether a particular incident results in a criminal investigation and/or charges.

    Reporting Options

    There are various reporting options available:

    1. Disclosure only: a victim may wish to tell someone about the incident in order to seek support, but may not want to make a report to the police.
    2. Police: a victim may wish to make a formal report of sexual assault or other incidents of sexual misconduct to the police.
    3. Third Party Report to Police via Community Victim Agency: the victim may wish to make an anonymous report through a community-based victim support worker.  Reports are then sent to police by an intermediary agency to provide detailed information about the incident and the alleged perpetrator, but do not include the name or contact information of the victim.
    4. Anonymous Report to the Institution via Victim/Survivor Support Service: an anonymous report made through a victim support worker would result in reports being sent to the contact point at the institution by an intermediary agency to provide detailed information about the incident and the alleged perpetrator, but would not include the name or contact information of the victim.

    As noted above, victims of sexual misconduct may choose one or more of the criminal and non-criminal reporting options.

  • Visa Policy

    Policy Statement

    It is every student’s responsibility to ensure they have a legal status that enables them to study in Canada. VGC is not responsible for ensuring visa processing, extensions, or new visa applications for students. All students are responsible to oversee their own visa processes.

    In addition to this, VGC cannot legally advise students on IRCC processes and regulations. It is necessary that students refer to the IRCC website or speak with a registered immigration consultant.

    IRCC website:

  • VGC Transcript and Student Document Policy

    Policy Statement

    VGC aims to issue academic documents such as admissions letters or certificates within 48 hours of request. Student transcripts may take up to 5 business days to produce.

    Students should allow one week for VGC to prepare their University Pathway transcript during their University application process. 

  • Critical Incident Policy

    Policy Statement

    VGC’s Critical Incident Policy ensures a prompt and effective response to emergencies affecting our community, including trauma, emotional distress, and safety risks. It outlines roles, procedures, and support measures to prioritize safety and minimize disruption.

Registration & Payment Policies

  • Tuition Refund Policies

    Refund policies vary depending on whether your program is classified as PTIB-approved or non-approved. Please refer to the following:

    PTIB-Approved Programs

    Have tuition of $4,000 or more

    • Class A: Career-related diploma programs with:
      • 40+ hours of instruction, AND
      • Tuition of $4,000 or more
    • Class B: Career-related certificate programs (including TESL diplomas and certificates) with:
      • Tuition of $1,000 or more
    • Class C: English language programs that:
      • Are longer than six months, OR
      • Have tuition of $4,000 or more

    Programs Not Requiring Approval
    Programs that do not require PTIB approval include:

    • English language programs that are less than $4,000 AND less than six months long
    • Business seminars

    VGC IEC Working Holiday Program

    The following refund policy applies to VGC’s Working Holiday Program:

    Note: Students who enroll in a language program which is 6 (six) months or less in duration, or for which tuition is less than $4,000 may not make a claim against the Student Tuition Protection Fund, which is managed by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. This language program may not have been reviewed or approved by PTIB. Click here, for more information about programs that do not require PTIB approval

  • Intake Deferral and Program Change

    Start date change requests within one year of the registration date:

    • VGC will process a maximum of three start date changes with no extra cost within one year of the registration date.
    • Failure to communicate a deferral may result in the cancellation of the enrollment.

    If there’s a special request to defer or change more than three times, the following fees will apply:

    • Request for change/deferral within one year of the registration date: VGC will charge an administrative fee each time a change is made.
    • Request for change/deferral after one year of registration date: VGC will charge a registration fee’s worth each time a student defers more than 1 year. VGC will also charge an administrative fee if the student changes more than three times during this period.

    Program fees, tuition and services are subject to update, especially if a student defers more than 1 year after their initial start date.

Academic Policies

  • Student Attendance Policy and Procedure


    • Students are expected to attend all their classes. If a student is not attending without an acceptable reason which constitutes illness accompanied by a medical note, or a well-documented family emergency, for more than 5 blocks, VGC will email the student and begin the attendance warning process which could lead to the student’s dismissal from VGC.
    • Students must report absences by contacting their marketer either in advance or the day of the absence. Absences will not be excused retroactively. If a student is absent because they are sick, a doctor’s note is required.
    • Students with less than 70% attendance may not be allowed to progress to the next level.
    • Days missed due to sickness will not be refunded or added to the end of study periods.


    Attendance is taken by teachers for every class. Teachers email the Director of Studies with any student absences of 5 (5) blocks or more. Once informed, the Director of Studies takes the following steps:

    1. A first warning letter is issued via email to the student.
    2. If the student continues to be absent for more than five (5) blocks, a second warning letter is issued via email, and, if appropriate, the agent and/or the parent is informed.
    3. If the student still continues to be absent for more than five (5) blocks, a third warning letter is issued via email. 
    4. If the student is still absent after three (3) warnings, an email is sent to the student requesting a meeting with the Director of Studies within 48 hours. The Director of Studies will meet with the student who will sign a document stating that if more classes are missed their enrolment will be canceled and CIC informed if they are on a study permit.  – If the student doesn’t respond to the meeting request Step 5 will be followed.
    5. If more classes are missed a final email is sent to the student, informing them that their enrolment has been canceled and CIC informed if they are on a study permit.
    6. All letters are documented in the student’s file.

    Please note:

    • VGC ensures that the student’s agent and the parent (if applicable) are informed throughout this whole process.
    • Students under the age of 19 are immediately reported as absent to the Director of Studies.
  • English Only Policy
    • VGC International College is an “English only” school. Students receive purple cards for speaking English in shared areas of the school. These go into a prize draw once a week. If students are heard speaking any language other than English in a shared area they are given a red card. If a student receives three (3) red cards, they will be suspended from classes for one (1) day. If necessary, the appropriate people will be informed.
    • Minors will be suspended for one (1) day, be given extra school work, or be blocked from attending VGC activities. The action taken will be whichever is deemed appropriate by VGC.
    • The process for students in the High School Preparation/ Summer Teen Experience Program will be different. If they receive three (3) red cards in one week, they will be suspended for an afternoon activity the following week. Students will be made aware of which activity is designated every week. 
  • Recognition of Prior Learning

    On the first day at VGC, all students taking language programs must take a placement test. This test determines a student’s level of English and which level of classes the student will be placed in.

    If a student has taken a recognized international English exam, such as IELTS, Cambridge or TOEFL within the last 6 months, these results will be taken into consideration but do not replace the placement test. In order for the result to be taken into consideration, the test result document must be provided to VGC.

  • Student Grade Appeal Policy and Procedure


    If a student is dissatisfied with a grade received, they can follow VGC’s Grade Appeal Procedure. This must be done within 5 days of receiving the grade.


    1. If a student is dissatisfied with a grade received and can provide evidence that a higher grade is warranted they should discuss it with their instructor. The instructor will reconsider the grade and, if warranted, assign a different grade.
    2. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of their appeal to the instructor, they should submit a written appeal to the Director of Studies.
    3. The Director of Studies will obtain a copy of the assignment/test in question from the instructor and will have another instructor re-assess the test. 
    4. If the student achieves a higher grade on re-assessment, the higher grade will be assigned to the student.  If the student achieves a lower grade on re-assessment, the original grade will be retained.
    5. The revised grade will be considered final and cannot be appealed.
    6. The decisions on the grade appeal will be provided to students within 30 school days of VGC’s receipt of the written appeal.
  • Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

    All students are expected to behave as honest and responsible members of VGC’s academic community. Failure to do this will result in disciplinary action and forfeiture of test results.

    • Students who are deemed to have cheated on tests will be given an automatic mark of zero (0) and will be required to meet with the Director of Studies to discuss further disciplinary action.
    • Students who submit work that has been plagiarized (copied without permission of the original author and presented as an original work that is not for the purpose of imitative writing or for the purposes of an academic exercise) shall receive a mark of zero (0) and will be required to meet with the Director of Studies to discuss further action.
    • The above mentioned academic offences are in opposition of VGC’s Code of Conduct. The Director of Studies will follow the Student Dismissal Policy and Procedure when dealing with situations of academic dishonesty.

    Direct consequences of dishonesty may include the possibility of failing the term and/or being dismissed from VGC. These consequences will affect the student’s transcript and certificate.

  • Language Programs

    Class Changes

    • Core Class: If students wish to change their Core class, they must speak to the Director of Studies.
    • Elective and Plus Classes: At the end of the second (2nd), fourth (4th), sixth (6th) and eighth (8th) week of a term, students will discuss their Elective and Plus class choices with their teacher to determine whether they are in the class that is most suitable for them. Elective and Plus class changes will only take place on these days and will take effect on the following Monday.

    LevelLing Up

    Global English

    • A student generally requires a minimum of two (2) months at each level in order for the student’s English to have progressed sufficiently to be ready to level up.
    • A summative assessment is held every four (4) weeks. This assesses reading, writing, grammar, listening and speaking skills and also includes a participation mark.
    • Throughout the course, ongoing formative assessments in the skills mentioned above are carried out in order to provide feedback to students on a more regular basis.
    • If a student passes the assessment with 70% in all areas after they have been in that particular level for eight (8) weeks, they may level up.
    • If a student is doing exceptionally well and scoring over 90% in all areas at the end of their second (2), fourth (4) or sixth (6) week, as demonstrated by their formative and summative results, and depending on when they started the level, their teacher can recommend that they level up.

    IELTS Preparation

    If a student in IELTS Preparation – Foundationachieves an IELTS equivalency of 6.0 in all areas of the bi-weekly IELTS test they may level up to the IELTS Preparationclass. Each IELTS course is three (3) months.

    University Preparation

    Generally speaking, a student requires a minimum of 2-4 months in University Preparation Intermediate depending on their entrance level before levelling up to University Preparation Advanced. Students need a minimum average of 75% to level up.

    Requesting a Change to a Lower Level

    All students take a placement test prior to being placed in a class to ensure that the class they are placed in is at the appropriate level. The level being studied should be challenging and contain new material as this is how progression happens.

    Students who feel their level is too challenging and who wish to request a move to a lower level may speak to the academic department who will assess their request. Students who wish to change to a lower level than recommended by the academic team may have to pay for an extra $60 or return their current level textbook if it is in perfect condition.

    Late Policy

    Students must be punctual.

    • In the morning students are expected to be in class at 8:45 AM. Students who arrive after this time will be allowed into class all together at 9:05 AM. Students who arrive later than this will be asked to wait until after the break.
    • Students will not be allowed into class if they are more than five (5) minutes late after lunch or after break time.

    Students are kindly asked to wait outside until the next break and to not interrupt students who have made the effort to arrive on time.


    Students receive a course book for their Core class on arrival and every time they level up. Students level 6 or higher who are taking specialty classes should be sure that they want to remain in the class. Students are advised not to write in their course book for the first day in case they decide to change classes. Students who change classes excessively may be asked to pay for a course book.

  • TESL Program Admission Requirements


    International Students:

    • Complete high school or be a mature student of 18 years and older.
    • Pass an admissions interview.

    Domestic Students:

    • Complete high school
    • Pass an admissions interview

    All students (International and Domestic) must meet the following language requirements:

    • A minimum of 3 years completed between grades 8-12, including English 11 with a grade of ‘C’ or higher from a country where English is one of the principal languages, OR
    • Completion of 2 years of full-time post-secondary education at an accredited institution (not including language development courses) where English is the language of instruction in a country where English is one of the principal languages, OR
    • Successful completion of VGC’s Intermediate University Preparation Program OR 
    • Reach an IELTS 5.5 (academic), or have one of the equivalent tests listed below:
    • TOEFL iBT: 46, CAEL: 40, CELPIP: L&S 6, R&W 5, Duolingo English Test (DET): 95, Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic: 43, Cambridge FCE: 160 or Grade C, Cambridge Linguaskill: B2, LANGUAGECERT Academic: B2, The Michigan English Test (MET): B2, iTEP Academic: 3.5, EiKEN: Grade Pre-1)


    International Students:

    • Complete high school or be a mature student of 18 years and older.
    • Pass an admissions interview.

    Domestic Students:

    • Complete high school
    • Pass an admissions interview

    All students (International and Domestic) must meet the following language requirements:

    • A minimum of 3 years completed between grades 8-12, including English 11 with a grade of ‘B’ or higher from a country where English is one of the principal languages, OR
    • Completion of 4 years of full-time post-secondary education at an accredited institution (not including language development courses) where English is the language of instruction in a country where English is one of the principal languages, OR
    • Successful completion of VGC’s Advanced University Preparation Program OR 
    • Reach an IELTS 7.0 (academic), or have one of the equivalent tests listed below:
    • TOEFL iBT: 100, CAEL: 70, CELPIP: L&S 9, R&W 8, Duolingo English Test (DET): 130, Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic: 70, Cambridge FCE: 180 or Grade A, Cambridge Linguaskill: C1, LANGUAGECERT Academic: C1, The Michigan English Test (MET): C1, iTEP Academic: 4.5, EiKEN: Grade 1)

Student Services Policies

  • Medical Insurance Policy
    • VGC students must have valid medical insurance for the duration of their studies*. On the first day of classes, students must provide VGC with proof of insurance.
    • Without medical insurance, students will not be allowed to attend classes or go on VGC organized activities and tours.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to extend their medical insurance before the expiry date. VGC will not be responsible for tracking, updating or extending your medical insurance.

    *Starting September 2019, the BC government made it mandatory for students to register for the Medical Services Plan (MSP) if they have a study permit for 6 months or longer. As per the website, students should enrol or apply to opt out of the MSP. For more information please refer to the following link: You can also download a PDF document here: 

  • Vacation Policy

    Students must request a vacation through the Admissions Department. In order to have their vacation approved and their study time extended, a written request must be received by VGC no later than two (2) weeks before their vacation.

    • For a one-two (1-2) week vacation, a student should have studied for a minimum of 12 weeks.
    • For a three-four (3-4) week vacation, a student should have studied for a minimum of 24 weeks.

    However, if a student decides to take the vacation anyway, they can:

    • be excused from classes but their current end date will remain the same.
    • be excused from classes and in order to have their study time extended, students will have to pay a $200 fee.


    • Minors must have parental approval for taking a vacation. VGC must receive written notification from their parents or their legal guardian in order to have their vacation approved.
    • All vacations start on a Monday, and they are a minimum of one (1) week.
    • Students cannot take a vacation for more than four (4) weeks a year.
    • Students must ensure that they are still legal to study when they return from vacation. They must be able to finish their studies while following the rules and conditions of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  • Events and Activities Signup and Refund Policy

    Activities Policy & Signup Process 

    1. Events organized by VGC are only open to current VGC students
    2. They are also open to VGC alumni who graduate within the same month as the activity calendar
    3. Older VGC alumni may join activities if space allows, but preference will be given to current VGC students
    4. Students should go to the front desk to sign up and pay (if applicable) to secure their spot
    5. Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis but only guaranteed once paid
    6. Payment must be made via debit or credit card. For students unable to pay by card, cash payments can be made at the Hastings Campus front desk.  
    7. All VGC Events have follow our English Only Policy 

    Events & Activities Refund Policy 

    1. Activities are refundable if cancellation is made one (1) week prior to the activity (with the exception of VGC’s overnight trips). No refund is given if the student fails to show up at the designated meeting place and time.
    2. In order to receive a refund on VGC’s overnight trips, cancellation must be made two (2) weeks prior to the start of the trip.
  • Healthy and Safety

    VGC is committed to providing a safe environment for students, instructors and employees. VGC makes every effort to ensure all machinery and equipment are properly maintained and any required safety devices are in working order.

    VGC has a Health and Safety Committee who is responsible for ensuring that staff is trained on the proper safety policies and that students are made aware of the policies and processes. Any concerns or issues can be reported to the head of the Health and Safety Committee.

    Available to all students and employees are procedures on how to deal with:

    • Fires and Earthquakes
    • Bullying and Harassment (in person and online)
    • Video Surveillance
    • Smoking in/around VGC
    • Employees with First Aid, First Aid Kits and Emergency Contact Information

    All information is provided on the VGC website as well as the student and employee handbooks.

    Fires and Earthquakes


    1. If you notice a fire, please pull the alarm immediately.
    2. In case of a fire alarm, all students must follow their teacher’s instructions.
    3. Students not in a class at the time of the alarm are asked to evacuate the building with other students and proceed to the designated safe area.


    1. VGC’s Health and Safety Committee do routine checks to limit the building hazards.
    2. During an earthquake students and employees should try to stay away from windows, and other items that may fall from the walls or the ceiling and follow the recommended “drop and cover” procedure.
    3. Once the shaking has stopped, students and staff may choose to evacuate the building.
    4. Once outside everyone should move into open areas, well away from buildings, walls, trees and powerlines.

    Bullying and Harassment

    1. VGC has zero tolerance for Bullying and Harassment.
    2. Please see the Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students Policy and the Sexual Misconduct Policy on the VGC website or in the student handbook to learn what resources are provided to students and what the procedures are for reporting and providing complaints.  

    Video Surveillance

    VGC abides by the laws regarding Video Surveillance which is used solely for security purposes.

    VGC ensures that:

    1. Images captured are used only for the safety and security of staff and students and property.
    2. To the best of its ability, individuals are informed before they enter the building that video surveillance is in a place and those devices are positioned in the open and not in any areas where heightened privacy is expected. 
    3. The recordings are stored for a specified, limited time and overwritten when that time has lapsed.
    4. The information is kept secure and access to it is limited.
    5. Access can be provided to any individual whose image has been recorded.


    In accordance with Health By-Law (9535 2.2, e, f, and h) respectively, there is no smoking;

    1. Within six meters measured on the ground from a point directly below any point of any opening into any building including any door or window that opens or any air intake;
      In a customer service area;
    2. Within six meters of the perimeter of a customer service area.

    Employees with First Aid, First Aid Kits and Emergency Contact Information

    First Aid

    1. A list of employees with first aid training at VGC is located at the front desk in the Health and Safety Binder in each campus.
    2. First Aid Kits are located on all campuses at or near the front desk.

    Contact Information

    • Police/ Fire/ Ambulance: 911
    • Ambulance: 604-872-5151
    • Fire Services: 604-665-6000
    • Police: 604-717-3321
  • Returning to VGC

    If a student returns to VGC within nine (9) months of their graduation wishing to extend, they will not take a test and will go straight back into class. Students away longer than nine (9) months will have to take a placement test in the morning of the first Monday back.

    VGC reserves the right to accept or refuse student applications to study or extend at VGC.

School of International Business

Please see below for Policies related to VGC’s School of International Business. Please note that VGC’s School Policies are subject to change without prior notice .

Contact with any questions regarding these documents.

General Policies

  • VGC Student Statement of Rights

    VGC International College (VGC) is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

    Before you enrol and during your time at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

    1. You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by VGC staff
    2. You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:
      • Amount of tuition and any additional fee(s) for your program
      • Refund policy
      • If your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided.
      • Whether your program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval
    3. You have the right to access VGC’s dispute resolution process and to be treated with respect without facing negative consequences for bringing the issue to our attention.
    4. You have a right to make a claim to PTIB (if you are in an approved program) if:
      • VGC ceased to hold a certificate before you complete an approved program
      • You were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

    Make sure you have read and understood the contract before signing. VGC will provide you with a signed copy. You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed, or withdrawing from your program.

    For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:

  • VGC Code of Conduct

    While on VGC premises or in the course of activities or events hosted by VGC, or in VGC homestay, students:

    • must comply with all VGC policies.  
    • must not cheat or plagiarize.
    • must treat all students, staff and homestay families with respect and must not engage in physically or verbally aggressive, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or otherwise offensive behaviour (this also pertains to online activity and social media).
    • must not steal, misuse, destroy or deface VGC property.
    • must not consume, possess or distribute alcohol, controlled or restricted substances or drugs, including marijuana. The only exception being alcohol if students are of legal drinking age with proper identification and are drinking responsibly in a location that has a proper liquor license.
    • must not be under the influence of alcohol or controlled or restricted substances or drugs, including marijuana.
    • must not contravene any provision of the Criminal Code of Canada or any other federal, provincial, or municipal statute or regulation.
  • Student Dismissal Policy and Procedure


    Students are expected to meet and adhere to the VGC Code of Conduct while completing a program of study at VGC. Students who violate the Code of Conduct will be subject to the procedures and discipline below, which may include immediate dismissal from the institution. If necessary, students should request clarification from a director, and/or, other staff member at VGC.


    1. All concerns relating to student misconduct shall be directed to a VGC director. Concerns may be brought by staff, students or the public.
    2. The director will arrange to meet with the student(s) to discuss the concern(s) within five (5) school days of receiving the complaint. If the alleged conduct is of such a serious nature that an immediate dismissal may be warranted, the director will meet with the student as soon as is reasonably possible.
    3. Following the meeting with the student, the director will conduct whatever further inquiry or investigation is necessary to determine whether the concerns are substantiated.
    4. Any necessary inquiries or investigations shall be completed within five (5) school days of the initial meeting with the student.
    5. The director will meet with the student and do one of the following:
      • Determine that the concern(s) were unsubstantiated;
      • Determine that the concern(s) were substantiated, in whole or in part, and either:
        • Give the student a warning setting out the consequences of further misconduct;
        • Set a probationary period with appropriate conditions; or
        • Dismiss the student from VGC.
    6. The director will prepare a written summary of the determination. A copy will be given to the student, and the original will be placed in the student file.
    7. If the student is issued a warning or placed on probation, the director and the student will both sign the written warning or probationary conditions and the student will be given a copy. The original document will be placed in the student’s file.
    8. If the recommendation is to dismiss the student, the director will meet with the student to dismiss them from studying at the institution and will deliver to the student a letter of dismissal and a calculation of refund due or tuition owing, in accordance with VGC’s Tuition Refund Policy.
    9. If a refund is due to the student, VGC will ensure that a refund is forwarded to the student within 30 days of the dismissal.
    10. If the student owes tuition or other fees to the institution, VGC may undertake collection proceedings for the amount owed.
  • Dispute Resolution Policy

    This policy governs complaints from students respecting VGC International College and any aspect of its operations.

    • Student(s) will not be subject to any form of retaliation as a result of filing a complaint and VGC will manage the situation professionally with respect to the student lodging the complaint.
    • All student complaints should be made in writing to VGC’s Student Services Department ( A student services employee will respond and arrange a meeting with the student to discuss the complaint and try to find a solution.
    • If the student is not satisfied with the outcome after having one or two discussions with the Student Services representative, the director / manager of the relevant department will be contacted to determine the best course of action.
    • If the director in the applicable department is absent or named in the complaint, a different director from the list will be contacted to determine the best course of action.
    • After careful examination of the complaint, providing possible solutions, and speaking with the student (if applicable), the director will offer their determination and final solution.
      • VGC will provide the reasons for the determination and reconsideration (if applicable) to the student within 30 days from the date on which the student made the complaint.
    • The written reasons will advise the student, that if they are dissatisfied with the determination, and feel that they have been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of that program, the student may file a complaint with:
    • Complaints must be filed with PTIB within one year of the date a student completes, is dismissed from, or withdraws from the program.
    • The student making the complaint may be represented by an agent or a lawyer.
  • Minor Student Policy
    • The age of majority in British Columbia is 19 years old.  A person who is 18 and younger is legally a “minor”.
    • The minimum age to register for VGC’s programs is 15.   – The only exception to this policy is for the “VGC Camps”. Minors who are between 9 and 18 may register. Minors between 9 and 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
    • Minors must have VGC’s Terms and Conditions document signed by their legal guardian prior to starting classes at VGC. This document outlines specific policies that minors must follow. It also includes VGC’s activity release and indemnity form and photo release form. Failure to comply with the policies may lead to dismissal.
    • If a minor wants to register for VGC Custodianship, they must also register for VGC Homestay. Students with VGC Custodianship cannot cancel homestay for the entire duration of their studies.
  • Withdrawal Policy
    • If a student currently studying at VGC wishes to finish their program early, they must provide in writing to VGC the date they would like to graduate. The student may receive a refund if VGC’s Tuition Refund Policy applies.
  • Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students Policy and Procedure


    VGC is committed to ensuring that its learning environment promotes the respectful and fair treatment of all students. While on our premises – including VGC accommodation or at VGC activities/events – the following behavior is prohibited:

    • Conduct or comments in person, online or through text that harass, humiliate, intimidate, exclude or isolate individuals for their physical or mental disability, physical appearance, nationality, political beliefs, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
    • Online, individuals are allowed to associate themselves with VGC when posting on social media, but must clearly brand their online posts as personal and purely their own

    Individuals found responsible for these actions and results in disruption or negatively impacts the school environment, will be subject to disciplinary action that could include suspension or dismissal from VGC.


    If a prohibited activity occurs, the following procedures should be followed:


    1. You can report unfair treatment in person or by writing to your marketer and/or the Director of Studies
    2. Once the report has been received, the marketer or Director of Studies will schedule a meeting with you to discuss the issue within five (5) school days of receiving the complaint
    3. After discussing the complaint with you, the Director of Studies will save the complaint in your student file

    Addressing the situation:

    1. After receiving your complaint, the Director of Studies will arrange to meet with the subject of this complaint within five (5) school days
      • If the alleged conduct is of such a serious nature that it may warrant immediate dismissal, the Director of Studies will meet with the subject of the complaint as soon as reasonably possible
    2. Following the meeting, the Director of Studies will conduct whatever enquiry or investigation is necessary to determine whether the concerns are substantiated within five (5) days.
    3. After the investigation, the Director of Studies will meet with the subject of the complaint and do one of the following:
      a. Determine that the complaint(s) were unsubstantiated
      b. Determine that the complaint(s) were substantiated, in whole or in part, and either:
      – a. Give the subject of the complaint a warning, setting out the consequences of further misconduct;
      – b. Set a probationary period with appropriate conditions; or
      – c. Dismiss the student from VGC
    4. The Director of Studies will prepare a written summary of the determination; a copy will be given to you and the subject of the complaint, and the original placed in their student file
    5. If an individual is issued a warning or placed under probation, the Director of Studies and the individual will both sign the written or probationary conditions
      • The concerned individual will be given a copy and the original placed in the student’s file
    6. If the individual(s) has been recommended for dismissal, the Executive Director will review the recommendation and accept or reject it
      • If the recommendation is accepted, the Director of Studies will meet with the individual(s) to deliver a letter of dismissal and a calculation of refund or tuition owed, in accordance with VGC’s Tuition Refund Policy
      • If the recommendation is rejected, the Director of Studies will follow steps outlined in 3.b.a and 3.b.b
    7. If a refund is due, VGC will ensure that the student will be refunded within 30 days of the dismissal
    8. If tuition or other fees are owed by the student, VGC may undertake collection proceedings
  • Sexual Misconduct Policy

    Policy Statement

    Every student at VGC, no matter their age, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity has a right to freedom from sexual violence and misconduct and the right to a safe and secure learning and living environment.  VGC will not tolerate any form of sexual violence or sexual misconduct under any circumstances.

    This applies to physical interaction and interpersonal and electronic communications, such as handwritten notes, e-mails, text messages, videos or photographs. This policy also applies to all of VGC’s buildings, including its campuses and homestays.

    What is Sexual Misconduct?

    Sexual misconduct includes any unwanted act or behaviour – physical, verbal, or psychological carried out through sexual means or by targeting sexuality. It can include sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism, the distribution of sexually explicit photographs or video, and the attempt or threat to commit any of the above acts.

    Awareness, Education, and Prevention

    VGC is committed to preventing sexual violence and misconduct for its students.

    • Students will receive a copy of this policy in the student handbook at orientation which includes the procedure for reporting an incident or making a complaint and whom to report to.
    • VGC will also ensure its students are aware of the organizations and services available to assist those individuals who have suffered from sexual violence and misconduct.

    Please see the link below for some of the services offered in Vancouver:

    Reporting and Response

    1. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect.
    2. Victims, witnesses, or those who have knowledge of incidents of sexual misconduct will be encouraged to report information as soon as possible.
    3. Those in authority are committed to immediate action.
    4. VGC recognizes the importance of confidentiality and privacy of those who have made a report or complaint and to the alleged perpetrator.  We are committed to doing our best to respect the confidentiality of all persons involved and will remain consistent with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and/or the Personal Information Protection Act regarding sharing of information.
    5. VGC is committed to respecting the rights of those who report an incident to make their own decisions about accessing support services, making an official report, or pursuing external processes such as a criminal or civil action.
    6. VGC will not tolerate any retaliation against anyone involved in a report or an investigation.

    Whom to Report and Make a Complaint to

    1. If a student feels they are in immediate danger, or fear for their safety, they should call 9-1-1 emergency to report an incident of sexual violence or misconduct.
    2. If a student feels they have been sexually violated in any way they should report this to the student services department, a director and/or a member of staff.

    Receiving a Report or Complaint of Sexual Misconduct

    The individual receiving the report or complaint will:

    1. Listen without judgement and respect confidentiality.
    2. Respect the right of the individual to choose the services they feel are most appropriate and to decide whether to formally make a report to the institution or police.
    3. Recognize that disclosing can be traumatic.
    4. Respect the choice of the individual about how much they disclose about their experience.

    Response Procedures and Protocols

    The following steps will be taken by VGC when responding to reports or complaints of sexual violence or misconduct:

    1. We will ensure the safety of the victim (immediate safety first, followed by ongoing safety).
    2. Provide emergency numbers for law enforcement, medical assistance, mental health services, qualified counsellors/victim services support.
    3. Make the victim aware of the different reporting options which are listed at the end of this document.
    4. As required and if necessary, VGC will pass on information, reports, and documentation to the police, community-based victim service programs or experts once permission is given by the victim.
    5. VGC can arrange to have a police officer meet with the victim on campus to discuss the possibility of making a criminal report.
    6. A designated VGC official can liaise with and accompany the victim to the local sexual assault centre, police, and/or other justice system partners as appropriate.
    7. If a victim decides to make a criminal report, the designated VGC official will accompany them to the police station or have police attend the school.
    8. Depending on the situation and who is involved, VGC will follow the Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students Procedure that is listed in the student handbook.

    VGC does not have the mandate to conduct criminal investigations.  We do have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for our students, regardless of whether a particular incident results in a criminal investigation and/or charges.

    Reporting Options

    There are various reporting options available:

    1. Disclosure only: a victim may wish to tell someone about the incident in order to seek support, but may not want to make a report to the police.
    2. Police: a victim may wish to make a formal report of sexual assault or other incidents of sexual misconduct to the police.
    3. Third Party Report to Police via Community Victim Agency: the victim may wish to make an anonymous report through a community-based victim support worker.  Reports are then sent to police by an intermediary agency to provide detailed information about the incident and the alleged perpetrator, but do not include the name or contact information of the victim.
    4. Anonymous Report to the Institution via Victim/Survivor Support Service: an anonymous report made through a victim support worker would result in reports being sent to the contact point at the institution by an intermediary agency to provide detailed information about the incident and the alleged perpetrator, but would not include the name or contact information of the victim.

    As noted above, victims of sexual misconduct may choose one or more of the criminal and non-criminal reporting options.

  • Visa Policy

    Policy Statement

    It is every student’s responsibility to ensure they have a legal status that enables them to study in Canada. VGC is not responsible for ensuring visa processing, extensions, or new visa applications for students. All students are responsible to oversee their own visa processes.

    In addition to this, VGC cannot legally advise students on IRCC processes and regulations. It is necessary that students refer to the IRCC website or speak with a registered immigration consultant.

    IRCC website:

  • VGC Transcript and Student Document Policy

    Policy Statement

    VGC aims to issue academic documents such as admissions letters or certificates within 48 hours of request. Student transcripts may take up to 5 business days to produce.

    Students should allow one week for VGC to prepare their University Pathway transcript during their University application process. 

  • Critical Incident Policy

    Policy Statement

    VGC’s Critical Incident Policy ensures a prompt and effective response to emergencies affecting our community, including trauma, emotional distress, and safety risks. It outlines roles, procedures, and support measures to prioritize safety and minimize disruption.

Registration & Payment Policies

  • Tuition Refund Policies

    Refund policies vary depending on whether your program is classified as PTIB-approved or non-approved. Please refer to the following:

    PTIB-Approved Programs

    Have tuition of $4,000 or more

    • Class A: Career-related diploma programs with:
      • 40+ hours of instruction, AND
      • Tuition of $4,000 or more
    • Class B: Career-related certificate programs (including TESL diplomas and certificates) with:
      • Tuition of $1,000 or more
    • Class C: English language programs that:
      • Are longer than six months, OR
      • Have tuition of $4,000 or more

    Programs Not Requiring Approval
    Programs that do not require PTIB approval include:

    • English language programs that are less than $4,000 AND less than six months long
    • Business seminars

    Note: Students who enroll in a language program which is 6 (six) months or less in duration, or for which tuition is less than $4,000 may not make a claim against the Student Tuition Protection Fund, which is managed by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. This language program may not have been reviewed or approved by PTIB. Click here, for more information about programs that do not require PTIB approval

  • Business Tuition Payment Plan

    Students registered in a 6 to 1-year Diploma program can take advantage of VGC’s Tuition Payment Plan option.

    Applicable Programs:

    • Diploma in Business Communications with and without Co-Op (6 months / 24 weeks)
    • Diploma in Managing Customer Relationships with and without Co-Op (6 months / 24 weeks)
    • Diploma in Applied Communications with and without Co-Op (12 months / 52 weeks)

    Payment Plan Conditions:

    • You must inform VGC at the time of registration that you wish to choose a payment plan
    • You will receive an invoice for the total amount of the program when you register and the payment plan on your first day.
    • You will be required to pay a non-refundable payment plan fee of $100 which will be included on your first installment.
    • The payment plan will be divided into 3 installments and is for tuition only. All other fees must be paid in the first installment.
    • A $100 surcharge will be charged for any late payments.
    • Students who fail to follow the conditions and payment plan will be withdrawn and reported to IRCC.


    1st Installment:
    What: 1/3 of tuition, payment plan fee ($100) and all other fees
    When: Before the start date

    2nd Installment:
    What: 2/3 of tuition
    When: 30% into the in-class portion of the program (24-week program = 6 weeks & 52-week program = 16 weeks)

    3rd Installment:
    What: 3/3 tuition
    When: 50% into the in-class portion of the program (24-week program = 12 weeks & 52-week program = 26 weeks/end of Term1)

  • Intake Deferral and Program Change

    Start date change requests within one year of the registration date:

    • VGC will process a maximum of three start date changes with no extra cost within one year of the registration date.
    • Failure to communicate a deferral may result in the cancellation of the enrollment.

    If there’s a special request to defer or change more than three times, the following fees will apply:

    • Request for change/deferral within one year of the registration date: VGC will charge an administrative fee each time a change is made.
    • Request for change/deferral after one year of registration date: VGC will charge a registration fee’s worth each time a student defers more than 1 year. VGC will also charge an administrative fee if the student changes more than three times during this period.

    Program fees, tuition and services are subject to update, especially if a student defers more than 1 year after their initial start date.

Academic Policies

  • Business Program Admission Requirements

    For all business programs (Diploma + Certificates), VGC requires the following proof of language proficiency in accordance with guidelines from PTIB.

    International Students:

    • Complete high school or be a mature student of 18 years and older.

    Domestic Students:

    • Complete high school

    All students (International and Domestic) must meet the following language requirements:

    • A minimum of 3 years completed between grades 8-12, including English 11 with a grade of ‘C’ or higher from a country where English is one of the principal languages, OR
    • Completion of 2 years of full-time post-secondary education at an accredited institution (not including language development courses) where English is the language of instruction in a country where English is one of the principal languages, OR
    • Successful completion of VGC’s Intermediate University Preparation Program OR 
    • Reach an IELTS 5.5 (academic) or TOEFL iBT 46 or Duolingo DET 95 or one of the Standardized English language test/assessments as listed here.
  • Student Attendance Policy and Procedure


    Students in VGC’s Business Programs must have a minimum of 80% attendance in every course in order to pass the course and receive a certificate. Days missed due to sickness will not be refunded or added to the end of study periods


    The teacher marks student attendance every day. If a student misses classes, their teacher will talk to the student to remind them of their attendance requirements. If the student continues to miss classes, a member of VGC’s Academic Staff will follow the process below:

    1. A first warning letter is issued via email to the student.
    2. If the student continues to miss classes, a second warning letter is issued via email, and if appropriate, the agent and/or the parent is informed.
    3. If the student still continues to be absent and is close to receiving less than 80% attendance in the course, a third warning letter is emailed to the student and the student will be requested to meet with the Academic Administrator who will sign a document stating that if more classes are missed, they will be dismissed and IRCC will be informed if they are on a study permit and/or a Co-Op Work Permit.
    4. If more classes are missed, a final email is sent to the student, informing that their enrolment and Co-Op placement (if applicable) has been cancelled and IRCC informed if they are on a Study Permit and/or Co-Op Work Permit.
    5. All letters are documented in the student’s file.

    Students must report absences by contacting the school either in advance or the day of the absence. Absences will not be excused retroactively. If a student is absent because they are sick, a doctor’s note is required. Work is not an excuse for missing classes.

  • Grading System

    VGC recognizes students who put in the extra work and time into their studies through a tiered grading system which will be shown on the final transcript and certificate or diploma.

    • 70% – 84.99% : Pass
    • 85% – 89.99% : Pass with Merit
    • 90% – 100% : Pass with Distinction
  • Student Grade Appeal Policy and Procedure


    If a student is dissatisfied with a grade received, they can follow VGC’s Grade Appeal Procedure. This must be done within 5 days of receiving the grade.


    1. If a student is dissatisfied with a grade received and can provide evidence that a higher grade is warranted they should discuss it with their instructor. The instructor will reconsider the grade and, if warranted, assign a different grade.
    2. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of their appeal to the instructor, they should submit a written appeal to the Business School Manager.
    3. The Business School Manager will obtain a copy of the assignment/test in question from the instructor and will have another instructor re-assess the test.
    4. If the student achieves a higher grade on re-assessment, the higher grade will be assigned to the student.  If the student achieves a lower grade on re-assessment, the original grade will be retained.
    5. The revised grade will be considered final and cannot be appealed.
    6. The decisions on the grade appeal will be provided to students within 30 school days of VGC’s receipt of the written appeal.
  • Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

    All students are expected to behave as honest and responsible members of VGC’s academic community. Failure to do this will result in disciplinary action and forfeiture of test results.

    • Students who are deemed to have cheated on tests will be given an automatic mark of zero (0) and will be required to meet with the Business School Manager to discuss further disciplinary action.
    • Students who submit work that has been plagiarized (copied without permission of the original author and presented as an original work that is not for the purpose of imitative writing or for the purposes of an academic exercise) shall receive a mark of zero (0) and will be required to meet with the Business School Manager to discuss further action.
    • The above mentioned academic offences are in opposition of VGC’s Code of Conduct. The Director of Studies will follow the Student Dismissal Policy and Procedure when dealing with situations of academic dishonesty.

    Direct consequences of dishonesty may include the possibility of failing the term and/or being dismissed from VGC. These consequences will affect the student’s transcript and certificate.

  • VGC Course Appeal

    If a student fails a module, they will be given the following options:

    1. To go through the VGC Grade Appeal Policy and Procedure.
    2. To repeat the failed course at the next offering of that failed course.
    3. To withdraw. The VGC refund policy will go into effect at this point.
    4. If the director reviews the student’s case and finds extenuating circumstances for the poor performance, the director may ask for further examples to prove the student has learned the objectives of the module and can continue successfully in the Diploma program. This process must be started by the student within 3 days of receiving noticed that they have failed the course.
  • VGC Work Experience Co-Op Placement Policy

Student Services Policies

  • Medical Insurance Policy
    • VGC students must have valid medical insurance for the duration of their studies*. On the first day of classes, students must provide VGC with proof of insurance.
    • Without medical insurance, students will not be allowed to attend classes or go on VGC organized activities and tours.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to extend their medical insurance before the expiry date. VGC will not be responsible for tracking, updating or extending your medical insurance.

    *Starting September 2019, the BC government made it mandatory for students to register for the Medical Services Plan (MSP) if they have a study permit for 6 months or longer. As per the website, students should enrol or apply to opt out of the MSP. For more information please refer to the following link: You can also download a PDF document here: 

  • Vacation Policy

    Due to the nature of the programs, vacations are not allowed in VGC Business Programs or Co-op.

  • Events and Activities Signup and Refund Policy

    Activities Policy & Signup Process 

    1. Events organized by VGC are only open to current VGC students
    2. They are also open to VGC alumni who graduate within the same month as the activity calendar
    3. Older VGC alumni may join activities if space allows, but preference will be given to current VGC students
    4. Students should go to the front desk to sign up and pay (if applicable) to secure their spot
    5. Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis but only guaranteed once paid
    6. Payment must be made via debit or credit card. For students unable to pay by card, cash payments can be made at the Hastings Campus front desk.  
    7. All VGC Events have follow our English Only Policy 

    Events & Activities Refund Policy 

    1. Activities are refundable if cancellation is made one (1) week prior to the activity (with the exception of VGC’s overnight trips). No refund is given if the student fails to show up at the designated meeting place and time.
    2. In order to receive a refund on VGC’s overnight trips, cancellation must be made two (2) weeks prior to the start of the trip.
  • Healthy and Safety

    VGC is committed to providing a safe environment for students, instructors and employees. VGC makes every effort to ensure all machinery and equipment are properly maintained and any required safety devices are in working order.

    VGC has a Health and Safety Committee who is responsible for ensuring that staff is trained on the proper safety policies and that students are made aware of the policies and processes. Any concerns or issues can be reported to the head of the Health and Safety Committee.

    Available to all students and employees are procedures on how to deal with:

    • Fires and Earthquakes
    • Bullying and Harassment (in person and online)
    • Video Surveillance
    • Smoking in/around VGC
    • Employees with First Aid, First Aid Kits and Emergency Contact Information

    All information is provided on the VGC website as well as the student and employee handbooks.

    Fires and Earthquakes


    1. If you notice a fire, please pull the alarm immediately.
    2. In case of a fire alarm, all students must follow their teacher’s instructions.
    3. Students not in a class at the time of the alarm are asked to evacuate the building with other students and proceed to the designated safe area.


    1. VGC’s Health and Safety Committee do routine checks to limit the building hazards.
    2. During an earthquake students and employees should try to stay away from windows, and other items that may fall from the walls or the ceiling and follow the recommended “drop and cover” procedure.
    3. Once the shaking has stopped, students and staff may choose to evacuate the building.
    4. Once outside everyone should move into open areas, well away from buildings, walls, trees and powerlines.

    Bullying and Harassment

    1. VGC has zero tolerance for Bullying and Harassment.
    2. Please see the Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students Policy and the Sexual Misconduct Policy on the VGC website or in the student handbook to learn what resources are provided to students and what the procedures are for reporting and providing complaints.  

    Video Surveillance

    VGC abides by the laws regarding Video Surveillance which is used solely for security purposes.

    VGC ensures that:

    1. Images captured are used only for the safety and security of staff and students and property.
    2. To the best of its ability, individuals are informed before they enter the building that video surveillance is in a place and those devices are positioned in the open and not in any areas where heightened privacy is expected. 
    3. The recordings are stored for a specified, limited time and overwritten when that time has lapsed.
    4. The information is kept secure and access to it is limited.
    5. Access can be provided to any individual whose image has been recorded.


    In accordance with Health By-Law (9535 2.2, e, f, and h) respectively, there is no smoking;

    1. Within six meters measured on the ground from a point directly below any point of any opening into any building including any door or window that opens or any air intake;
      In a customer service area;
    2. Within six meters of the perimeter of a customer service area.

    Employees with First Aid, First Aid Kits and Emergency Contact Information

    First Aid

    1. A list of employees with first aid training at VGC is located at the front desk in the Health and Safety Binder in each campus.
    2. First Aid Kits are located on all campuses at or near the front desk.

    Contact Information

    • Police/ Fire/ Ambulance: 911
    • Ambulance: 604-872-5151
    • Fire Services: 604-665-6000
    • Police: 604-717-3321